Means the principles and processes through which the prior knowledge and skills of a person are made visible, mediated, and assessed for the purposes of alternative access and admission, recognition and certification, or further learning and development.
Contra-lit accepts recognition of prior learning as a key principle of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) particularly in as far as ensuring redress of past inequities.
RPL can be used to determine a candidates CREDITS to qualify for a specific assessment where It involves an assessment of an individual who has gained skills and knowledge through informal and/or non-formal experiential learning and the individual is assessed and the learning is recognised by awarding credits if they meet the requirements of the full or part NQF registered qualifications.
RPL can also be used to give ACCESS ,provides an alternative access route into a programme of learning or a qualification/part for those:
Qualification for RPL
The qualification that can be acquired through RPL at Contra-lit is: Saqa ID: 58206, National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Merchandising Operations, NQF2, 120 credits
Candidates are to demonstrate existing skills and knowledge regarding:
1)Makes it easier to compare those skills and knowledge with the qualification
2) Assess the applicant against these standards and requirements and
3) Credit the applicant where applicable Identifying what the applicant knows and can do regardless of whether this learning was achieved formally, informally or non-formally.
• Matching the applicants skills, knowledge and experience to specific standards and the associated assessment criteria
• Assessing the applicant against those criteria • Crediting the applicant for skills, knowledge and experience built up through formal, informal and non-formal learning that occurred in the past
1.Greater opportunities to develop the area of RPL assessment within the organisation
2.More efficient utilisation of learning resources.
3. Increase institutional efficiency by eliminating duplicate education or training.
Increase student recruitment and retention.
4.Allow for more appropriate placement of learners in program
5.More opportunities to provide delivery (developmental needs and career pathing) and the assessment thereof
6.Greater possibilities for expansion of providers scope of business and less risk of closure
7.Provide an important service for business, industry and community.
Enhance the image of the institution in the community.
There are many benefits outside of this scope but to mention a few.
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